Fences, home additions, decks and exterior modifications to your property require approval from the Architectural Review Committee prior to beginning work. See Architectural Control page for Guidelines and Request form. Please include project details, contact information & proposed timing of the project.
Requests for portable storage units use are to be submitted for approval. Portable storage units are only to be located in driveways close to homes for a period of no more than 7 days.
Boats/Trailers: Boats, trailers, RVs, etc. parked in driveways and on lots are in violation of the Bills of Assurance. Please store them elsewhere.
Garage sale signs may be placed in common areas on the day a sale is scheduled and must be removed the same day or at conclusion of the sale. Residents are only allowed to hold one garage sale per month per City Code.
Realtor/For Sale by Owner signs may be placed in common areas only on the day an open house is scheduled and must be removed at the end of the day. All signs in violation will be removed and discarded. Please do not place any signs in the flower beds or on gas light poles.
Page last updated 9/3/24
Enjoy the beautiful weather exploring St. Charles Walking Trails - Click here for map
Yard Debris Reminder
Please remember to place yard debris for pick up by the City in your yard at the curb, not in the street or in an island or common area. Yard debris in the street, especially limbs, poses a risk for both drivers and pedestrians.
In addition, please be neighborly and pick up any loose debris remaining after the City pick up. Also, please do not leave debris in the parks, islands or greenspaces.
For special trash pick-up, call 888-2208. There is no charge for your first special trash pick-up.
Nuisance Animals in St. Charles
There are always sightings of coyotes in February and March, which is their mating season. One of the main deterrants is as simple as removing their food source. Please make sure you don't leave dog or cat food outside. If you walk your dog(s) in the early evening (dusk), consider carrying an air horn as coyotes don't like loud noises. In the event you are confronted by a coyote, do not turn and run away as this behavior could cause them to attack. For more information on coyote behavior, click here or here for a link to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission site.
We have had a beaver problem at the lake. Beavers have chewed several trees. Here is a link for more information on their behavior.
For more information nuisance animals, click here.
Responsible Pet Ownership
Please make sure your dog is wearing his collar with ID when you are walking it. Proper ID will help get your dog back to you as soon as possible if it happens to slip away. Post your lost (or found) dog on NextDoor.
If you jog or walk at night, please wear reflective clothing (strips, blinking lights) on the upper part of your body. This makes you more visible to drivers going through the neighborhood. It is also a good idea to add a reflector to your dog's leash, collar or jacket so that they can be easily seen. Also, please be very cautious of walking your dog in the extreme heat. Dogs can become overheated very easily.
Dogs bark but....please be aware of how long it is going on as it can be very bothersome to your neighbors. Continual barking should be reported to 311.
Also, please remember to carry poop bags to pick up after your dog.
St. Charles Ladies Wine Club
Neighbors have organized a wine club for the ladies of St. Charles. The group meets monthly in various homes throughout the year. Ladies are invited to bring a bottle of wine or an appetizer.
If you are interested in meeting neighbors over a glass (or two) of wine, please email onpate81@gmail.com to be put on the email list for invitations.
Parking on the Street
There are numerous complaints from neighbors about cars being parked on the street. This is an unsafe practice since we have had unlocked cars vandalized and they pose a safety hazard. Kids and pets can dart out from behind parked cars. It is also very unsafe for cars to be parked on the curve of a hill.
Please park your car in your garage or driveway. If you have a concern about a parking situation, contact LRPD Non-Emergency Line at 501/371-4829.
City Regulations Regarding Burning
Several residents have expressed concerns or had questions regarding burning of debris.
The City of Little Rock requires a burn permit in order for residents to burn items on thir property. If you have not already obtained one, you can do so online at: https:\\clrweb.littlerock.state.ar.us/fire/login.php
The permits are $5 and are good for one year. In addition, residents are required to check in with the Little Rock Fire Department to ensure that there is not a burn ban in place each time, before they begin to burn.,
Items allowed to be burned are restricted to leaves, grass clippings and shrubbery clippings.
New to St. Charles? We'd love to meet you!
Our new Welcome Committee would like to pop by at your convenience and drop off a small welcome gift. If you have not already been contacted, please email judyh@rocketmail.com or maryhorn99@comcast.net.
Note: Complete links can be best viewed on a tablet or laptop.
Pickleball and Tennis
If you're interested in playing pickleball, email Joe Arnold at arnoldaudio@comcast.net. He will invite you to join the GroupMe group. Download the GroupMe app to receive information.
Requests for the court code can be made by sending an email to stcharleslr@hotmail.com. The gate code is available to residents in good standing (all fees paid). The code is not to be released to non-residents.
During Rock Creek Trail clean up, please park on the right side of the parking lot only so City equipment can park on the left side.
Parents - Please supervise your children while playing at the courts. Do not allow them to mark on the courts with chalk or other substances as it can damage them. Resurfacing costs are exhorbitant so please respect our improvements!
If you are new to pickleball, this is a great way to get familiar with the basics and try it out. Balls and paddles will be available.
If you are a pickleball veteran, this is a great time to network and form groups - women, seniors, etc.
Love St. Charles
October 12 8:00 - Noon
St. Charles Park
Join neighbors each SECOND SATURDAY of the month. Starting October 12, come for a few hours of the whole morning and help us keep up our neighborhood common areas. This is a good way for students to get community service hours.
Board Member, Tom Dematti, is leading this group. Bring your pruners, rakes, chainsaws and work gloves.
National Night Out Celebration, Tuesday, October 1
5:30 - 7:30 St. Charles Park and Pool House
Celebrate community and law enforcement relationships at this cookout. We'll have free hot dogs and hamburgers, music, games, face painting and more. LRPD, LRFD, Pulaski County Sheriff's Office and MEMS will attend. Kids can meet a member of LRPD Mounted Patrol and get a photo with a horse. There will be give aways and door prizes to include a Ring Doorbell, fire blankets, phone banks, and lighted dog collars and leashes.
We will be doing some pond management work early this week which includes weed killing while the water levels are low.
In addition, due to the temperature and rainfall conditions, the pond is currently experiencing a potentially harmful algae bloom.
While these conditions are being treated, please do not let your dogs drink pond water or wade in the pond. In addition, people, should not wade or swim in the pond.
Until further notice, it's best not to make contact with the pond water.
We will send further notices as the situation is remedied.
St. Charles Board of Directors
Halloween and Christmas Events
We need parents to plan and organize Halloween and Christmas events for St. Charles. If you have young children, please consider stepping up. We have had fun events in the past and want to continue this tradition.
Volunteers will be available to assist and budget has been set aside. If you're interested, please contact
Please join the campaign to rename the Huron Post Office for Dave. Dave passed away last year after many years of dedicated service to our country in the Vietnam War and in the St. Charles community as a mail carrier.
Chad Dollar, President of the National Association of Letter Carriers Branch 35 and co-worker of Dave is leading the initiative to have the Post Office renamed to honor Dave. He is collecting letters and/or emails from our neighborhood. These notes will then be submitted to U.S. representative French Hill's office for review.
Please submit your email or letter by September 30 to: cdollar72106@yahoo or Chad Dollar, P.O. Box 190872, Little Rock, AR 72219